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Why exercise is a good stress reliever

Updated: Feb 4, 2023


Stressed out? You’re not alone. Stress is the number one killer in the United States, and it’s estimated that more than 60% of Americans are chronically stressed. What can you do to take the load off and reduce your stress levels? Exercise, of course! There are plenty of reasons why exercise is good for your mental health, but here we’re going to focus on just one: exercise is a great stress reliever. Studies have shown that regular exercisers report feeling less stressed overall, are less prone to anxiety and depression, and have better mental health overall. So what does this mean for you? If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or stressed out more often than not, start working towards incorporating at least 30 minutes of exercise into your day. It may not be easy at first, but it will pay off, reducing your stress and improving your mood.

What is exercise?

Aside from providing physical activity, it also releases endorphins, hormones blocking brain pain signals. In addition, exercise has a psychological impact on people. It makes them happy and boosts their self-esteem. Exercise can do everything from making you smarter to helping you lose weight.

Types of exercise

There are a few different types of exercise that can be done to relieve stress. The most popular type is aerobic exercise, which helps improve heart health and breathing. Another type of exercise is strength training, which helps build muscle and burn calories. Mind-body exercises, such as yoga or meditation, can also help reduce stress levels.

Benefits of exercise for stress relief

Stress is a common problem that can lead to negative emotions, such as anxiety and depression. Exercising can help reduce stress levels and improve your mental health. Here are some of the benefits of exercise:

It improves mood: One of the major benefits of exercise is that it can improve your mood. Exercise causes endorphins to be released by the body, hormones that have antidepressant effects. Exercise also increases serotonin levels in the brain, linked to better moods.

It reduces anxiety and stress: One of the main symptoms of anxiety and stress is increased tension in the neck, shoulders, and back muscles. Exercise helps to reduce these tensions by releasing endorphins and increasing flexibility and range of motion in these areas. Additionally, regular aerobic exercise has been shown to decrease cortisol levels. This is associated with decreased levels of stress and anxiety enzymes.

It boosts energy levels: Exercise also boosts energy levels because it increases blood flow to the muscles. This increased blood flow results in more oxygen being delivered to the muscles for fuel, which gives you more energy throughout the day. Additionally, regular aerobic exercise has been shown to increase rates at which nerve cells fire off messages in the brain, leading to an overall feeling of increased energy and vitality.

Better Sleep: Exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality by increasing muscle tension and energy levels and reducing anxiety and stress during the day. Additionally, exercise has been shown to stimulate the production of human growth hormone, which helps improve sleep quality by helping you maintain a healthy weight and bone health.

How does exercise relieve stress?

Exercise is a good stress reliever in both short-term and long-term scenarios. Short-term exercise has been shown to reduce negative moods, increase energy levels, and improve overall mood. In the long run, regular exercise has also been shown to positively affect mental health by reducing anxiety levels and improving self-esteem. One reason exercise is such a great stress reliever is that it releases endorphins, chemicals that can create feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. Exercise also helps you to release serotonin and dopamine, which are two neurotransmitters that play a role in regulating emotions. All of these factors make exercise an effective way to relieve stress.

How to get started with exercise for stress relief

When it comes to relieving stress, there are a few things you can do that don't require spending hours at the gym. Time for yourself each day to exercise is one of the best ways to get your mind and body moving. Here are three easy ways to start exercising for stress relief:

Make it a priority: One of the most important things you can do when trying to relieve stress is to make exercise a top priority in your life. Ensure you set aside enough time each day to work out, even if it's just 30 minutes. If you find yourself stressing out more often when you don't have time for a workout, make time for it, regardless!

Choose your activity: When deciding what type of exercise to do, consider your personal stress level and how active you usually are. If you're usually very active and don't get stressed out very easily, try running or biking; if you're more relaxed and prone to stress during activities like yoga or Pilates, choose those instead. The key is finding an activity that appeals to you and fits your schedule!

Consider your surroundings: When exercising for stress relief, make sure that the environment you're in is supportive – whether that means taking care not to listen to music that makes you emotional or choosing an area with plenty of vegetation around so that you can smell and feel nature.

Tips for staying motivated with exercise

Staying motivated to exercise can be challenging, but many tips can help. Here are three tips for staying motivated:

Set small goals: Starting out can be hard to feel motivated to exercise regularly if your goal is too large or distant. Instead, set smaller goals that you can achieve easily. For example, try walking for 30 minutes every day instead of trying to walk for an hour every day.

Find a workout buddy: Exercise can be challenging and lonely when done on your own. Find a friend or family member who is also interested in getting active and joining forces to make working out easier. You'll be more likely to stick with it and have fun simultaneously!

Use prompts and motivation tools: Many helpful prompts and motivation tools are available online and in print magazines like Women's Health magazine. Try using one or several of these during your workouts to help you stay on track and inspired


One of the best methods to reduce stress is through exercise., and a few reasons exist. First, exercise releases endorphins, hormones that help reduce anxiety and provide physical relief. Secondly, exercise helps us manage our emotions by promoting better self-esteem and reducing feelings of isolation. In short, regular exercise helps us look good on the outside and feels great on the inside!


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